Todd & Fitch

Artist statement

Use of light is one of the permanent features in creations by Todd & Fitch : considerated as a material in its own right and treated as such, its color, purity and intensity comprise for them a means of reinterpreting, or better yet reconsidering, major subjects of 20th century art and, in nearly instantaneous re-appropriation, certain early 21st century works.

Followed and already recognized by top notch collectors, who place their pieces on their walls next to those of major signatures, they pursue an essential path, marked by stunning maturity. Todd and Fitch set no limits, neither in the subjects they want to treat, nor in their choice of medium and material with which they express themselves. Their creations testify to their consummate mastery of technique. Their ability to create ambiguity when perceiving immediately instigates dialogue between the eye and work that doesn’t deny pure esthetics.



Nicolas Todd (1969) and Damien Fitch (1964), a duo of French artists, have been working together since the beginning of 2000.


Absolute Art Gallery, BE
Impulse Gallery, Luzern, CH

Absolute Art Gallery, BE

Tefaf, Maastricht, NL

Tefaf, Maastricht, NL

Art Rio, Rio, Bresil, BR
Gold, group show, Agnès Monplaisir, Paris, FR
Tefaf, Maastrichtn, NL

Slick Art Fair, Paris, FR
As far as eye can see, galerie Flore, Brussels, BE

Once upon an indefinite, Agnès Monplaisir, Paris
Slick Art Fair, Paris, FR
Slick Art Fair, Brussels, BE
Tefaf, Maastricht, NL
Group show, galerie Flore, Brussels, BE

Tefaf, Maastricht, NL
Brafa, Brussels, BE
Pierre Bergé, Brussels, BE

Todd & Fitch, solo show, Brussels, BE

Group show, galerie Emmanuel de Brantes, Paris, FR


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