Reinhard Voss
Reinhard Voss works with conifers, which give the relief bodies a dynamic structure. We feel a force emanating from the bodies – reminiscent of the physical centrifugal force that leads from the centre of the works outwards into the room. As outsiders, we remain in an observing role, which allows us to get to know the relief bodies in a special way.
Reserved, almost introverted and yet full of graceful posture, suggested faces “look” out of themselves into the surrounding space. The compositional gluing together of the fragments to form a structural structure harbours a unique tension. On the surface of these figures, geometric shapes and patterns of textiles – which blend in like tattoos – are mixed with the natural grain of the wood. Nothing is left to chance. The tension reaches its climax in the attempt to breathe new meaning into the once living material. In the dead wood an imitation of life: here something shows itself in a new, unusual light!
Reinhard Voss (1959*, Rendsburg/Schleswig-Holstein) studied sculpture at the State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe with Hiromi Akiyama and Stephan Balkenhol. A freelance artist since 2000, Reinhard Voss’ portraits have been shown in highly acclaimed exhibitions in Germany and abroad, such as Basel, Seoul and Paris, and are part of renowned art collections. The artist lives and works in Ettlingen.