Maxim Wakultschik

Available works

Maxim Wakultschik’s art consists of mathematically precise constructions that create order out of a chaos of various independent elements. In his complex and multilayered objects, the artist explores the interplay between light and shadow as well as the balance between surface structure and colour vibration.

Focusing on the effect and reflection of ambient light results in oscillating variations of reality that constantly challenge us to a proactive approach.

His works perpetually change with the slightest movement, the smallest alteration in perspective leads to stunning new impressions, turning his works into kinetic objects. The edges of reality and illusion are blurred and become flexible constructs of the individual, which constantly challenge us to push the boundaries of our perception.

As Maxim has continued to perfect the technique in which his artworks are made, his recognition as an artist has increased exponentially.



Maxim Waklutschik was born 1973 in Minsk, Belarus.
He lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany

1992 – 2000 Kunstakademie Düsseldorf (Arts Academy of Düsseldorf), Düsseldorf, Germany: Studies with Professor Jannis Kounellis and Professor Beate Schiff
1984 – 1991 Belarusian Lyceum of Fine Arts, Minsk, Belarus

2017 – Lecturer at Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft (Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences), Alfter, Germany



Art Karlsruhe, Art Fair, Karlsruhe, DE
Impulse Gallery, Lüzern, CH
Istanbul Contemporary Art Fair, Istanbul, TR

Istanbul Contemporary Art Fair, Istanbul, TR

Maxim Wakultschik – Polymorphismus, Städtische Galerie “sohle 1”, Bergkamen, DE
Art Ruhr Zeitgenossen, Auktionshaus an der Ruhr, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, DE
Reflektieren, Flimmern, Rieseln (Reflecting, Flickering, Trickling), Galerie Seidel, Cologne, DE
Shape Shifting, Städtische Galerie Schwabach, Künstlerbund Schwabach e.V., Schwabach, DE
erception, ART Galerie 7 / Meike Knüppe, Cologne, DE

In and Out of Focus curated by COVA Art Gallery, het Archief Gallery, Eindhoven, NL
One Thousand and One, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Galeria Simon Nolte at Villa La Vida, Majorca, ES
The New Art Order, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, DE
he Illusion of Perception, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, DE

Blurred Boundaries, COVA Art Gallery, Eindhoven, NL
Maxim’s World of Art, ART Galerie 7 / Meike Knüppe, Cologne, DE
Malerei / Paintings, Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne / Barbara Ruetz, Munich, DE

Galeria Simon Nolte, Münster, DE
Perspective Three, TRIBU HOUSE, Geneva, CH
onuments, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, DE

Art meets Fashion – Inline unlimited, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, DE
Form, Farbe, Illusion (Portrait. Form, Color, Illusion), NEW AG, Mönchengladbach, DE
Faces, Unique Gallery, Galerie Claudia Junig, Cologne, DE
Facetime 2.0, Galeria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Majorca, ES

Der heimliche Blick (The secret Gaze), Alte Honigfabrik, Kunstverein Ibbenbüren, Ibbenbüren, DE
Der zweite Blick (At second Glance), Galerie Palais Walderdorff, Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst Trier e.V., Trier, DE
Von Angesicht zu Angesicht (Face to Face), Museum im Haus Hövener, Kunstverein Östliches Sauerland, Brilon, DE
Face Time, Galeria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Majorca, ED
Maxim Wakultschik – Face Time, Galerie Michael Nolte, Münster, DE
Die Poesie des Alltags (The Poetics of Everyday Life), Kunstverein Aurich, Aurich, DE
Zeitfenster (Time Window), Kunstverein Gundelfingen, Gundelfingen, DE
GESICHTS-ZÜGE – Malerei und Objekte (Facial Features / Train of Faces – Painting and Objects), Kunstverein Heidenheim a. d. Brenz, Heidenheim a. d. Brenz, DE
The Art of Shadow, Kunstverein Nümbrecht, Nümbrecht, DE
Face to Face, Alte Brennerei, Kunstverein Ebersberg, Ebersberg, DE

Kunstverein Biberach, Biberach, DE
Gallery Frank Pages, Geneva, CH
ew Objects, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, DE
Hall of Fame, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, DE
Trainspotting, Municipal Gallery, Versandhalle Grevenbroich, Grevenbroich, DE
FaceTime, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Galerie BMB, Amsterdam, NL
Roland Gallery, Cologne, DE


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