Lita Cabellut

Lita Cabellut (1961, Spain) is a broad-focused artist who lives and works in The Netherlands. Her completed character as an artist in combination with her torrential force and extraordinary capacity, drives her artistic activities in multiple disciplines. Beyond her monumental paintings, her work includes an extraordinary touch for linguistics, sculptures, photography, installations, video and performance. She has also expanded to Opera scenography in the creation of stage, custom and video design. It is Lita Cabellut’s central tenant of a guiding poetic sense that stirs all these multidisciplinary tools.


It is Lita Cabellut’s central tenant of a guiding poetic sense that stirs all these multidisciplinary tools. Lita Cabellut is recognized as the third most valued Spanish artist and her works have been exhibited in numerous museums around the world, including, amongst many other places: Seoul Arts Center, Korea; Contemporary Art Museum, Sicily, Italy; CSMVS and Mumbai, India.

Her work is included in the permanent collections of several museums such as Museo Goya IberCaja, Zaragoza Spain; Museo de Arte Contemporánea, Sicilia, Italy; The Fendi Collection, Italy; Museu Europeu d’Art Modern, Vila Casas Foundation, Spain; Théâtre Mogador, France; Copelouzos, Greece; The Joop & Janine van de Ende Foundation and The Paul van Rensch Foundation, The Netherlands.

Lita Cabellut grew up as a street child in Barcelona until she was adopted at the age of twelve. During this time, she was introduced to the Spanish masters at the Prado Museum, after which she immediately devoted her passion to art. She moved to The Netherlands at the age of 19, where she studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. Over the years, Cabellut has developed a unique technique characterized by large-scale canvases that combine traditional fresco techniques and modern media applications.

The central theme of the human and the societal messages that Lita Cabellut communicates in her work is primarily expressed through her defining monumental portraits.

“Risa” (113x100cm) private collection




Museum Exhibitions (Selection)

Stage production for XXII Biennale de Flamenco 2022 in collaboration with Rocio Molina | Flamenco Biennale | Sevilla | Spain.

Bodas de Sangre | Museo de Bellas Artes| Granada | España.

Bienal | Schloss Oraniembaum | Oraniembaum | Germany.

8th Beijing International Art Biennale |Hispano American hall – National Museum of Art (NAMOC) | Pekín | China.
Naakt of bloot? | Museum Jan Cunen | Oss | The Netherlands.
La Victora del Silencio | Museo Goya | Zaragoza | Spain (Solo).

The Rossini Project | Documentationcentre German Sinti en Roma | Berlin | Germany.
A Chronicle of the infinite | Museum Jan van der Togt| Amstelveen |The Netherlands.
MASTERLY The Hague | Hoogsteder & Hoogsteder | The Hague |The Netherlands.
Charlie Chaplin – A Vision | YUZ Museum Shanghai | China.
Testimonio| Centro Cultural Cascais| Cascais | Portugal.
Mujeres Artistas Hoy| Museo Europeo d’Art Modern | Barcelona | Spain.

Testimonio| Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Gas Natural Fenos | A Coruña | Spain.
Retrospective | Espais Volart – Fundació Vila Casas | Barcelona |Spain.

The Figure in Process: de Kooning to Kapoor, 1955-2015| Pivot Centre for Art + Culture | Seattle| USA.

Disturbance | Museum Jan van der Togt | Amstelveen |The Netherlands.
Black Tulip: The Golden Age | Lalit Kala A kademi | New Delhi | India.
Trilogy of Truth | MEAM Museu Europeu d’Art Modern| Barcelona| Spain.
Blind Mirror |Hälsinglands Museum| Hudiksvall | Sweden.
Trilogy of Doubt | Mac’S Museo Arte Contemporanea |Catania | Italy.
Black Tulip: The Golden Age | CSMVS (former Prince of Wales Museum) |Bombay| India.

Black Tulip: The Golden Age | State Visit Okura Hotel | Tokyo | Japan.
100 Masterpieces | Seoul Art Centre | Seoul | South Korea.
Here to Stay | Kunststation Kleinsassen | Berlin | Germany.

Trilogy of Doubt | Het Noordbrabants Museum | Bolduque | The Netherlands.
Trilogy of Doubt | Fundació Vila Casas | Barcelona| Spain.
Me, you and Others | The Finnish Labour Museum | Werstas | Finland


Gallery exhibitions (Selection)

BRAFA Art Fair, Brussels, BE

“A Story of Destiny”; Absolute Art Gallery, Knokke, BE
Cologne Fine Art & Design Fair, Koln, DE

The Echo of the Masters | Opera Gallery | Singapore | Singapore.
Transformation | Opera Gallery | Londres | UK (Solo).

A Chronicle of the infinite | Opera Gallery | NY | USA. (solo show).
Lita Cabellut in Seoul | Opera Gallery | Seoul | South Korea. (solo show).

Army of Poets | Opera Gallery | Paris | France / Hong Kong | China (solo show)

Fairy Flowers | Opera Gallery | Beirut | Lebanon (solo show).
Colour of Dew | Opera Gallery, Dubai | Dubai (solo show).
One Artist | Art Karlsruhe | Galerie Günther Zulauf | Karlsruhe | Germany (solo show).

Impulse | Opera Gallery | London | UK (solo show).

Black Tulip: The Golden Age | Opera Gallery | Paris |France (solo show).
Starcatcher| Opera Gallery | Seoul | South Korea.

Hidden Dreams | The Moscow World Fine Art Fair | Opera Gallery | Moscow |Russia.
Dried Tear | Opera Gallery | Singapore | Singapore (solo show).
Behind the Curtains | Opera Gallery | Hong Kong | China (solo show).

After the Show | Galerie Terminus, Munich | Germany (solo show).
Portrait of Human knowledge | Opera Gallery | London | UK (solo show).
Memories Wrapped in Gold Paper | Opera Gallery | Dubai | Dubai (solo show).

Coco: The Testimony of Black and White | Opera Gallery | Paris | France (solo show).
Camarón | Galerie Kai Dikhas | Berlin | Germany (solo show).
La Perla Negra | Opera Gallery | London | UK (solo show).

Madness and Reason | Bill Lowe Gallery | Atlanta| USA (solo show).
One Man Show | Galerie Günther Zulauf | Karlsruhe | Germany (solo show).

“Beso de primavera” (140×100 cm) private collection

“Angel de piedra” (150x150cm) private collection



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