Daniel Engelberg

 Available works

The works of the sculptor-painter Daniel Engelberg often refer to architectural constructions and structures. In his latest series of wall objects, Engelberg maintains the sculptural approach and transfers it to seemingly two-dimensional works. The artist reduces the resulting works both thematically and technically in order to arrive at the basic elements of the sculptural question – he uses the formal search for these elements as an independent artistic approach to investigate questions of perception.

The resulting works appear at first glance like abstract paintings, but only upon closer inspection does it become apparent that they are constructed pictures made of insulating and building materials instead of canvas and paint. Engelberg transfers the materials from the hardware store and otherwise used in the craft sector into the art sector and puts them together into abstract image constructions. He deliberately uses materials that are far from art, which are otherwise often overlooked or whose characteristics are perceived as purely functional and which acquire a new value through transfer into the space of (artistic) observation.

The motifs of the individual works are also inspired by material patterns, grids and shapes that can be found on construction sites or building materials. Engelberg’s method of constructing the objects is reminiscent of marquetry – an inlay and decorative technique with wood whose origins go back to more than the 13th century – whereby the artist carries out the traditional, complex technique with soft, cheap or sometimes perishable materials and so on Break, creating a tension between the technology and the choice of materials. By bringing together and fusing the building elements, a new materiality is created in the artistic work process, which Engelberg expands with concrete or silicone castings, but also with empty spaces, whereby the color of the wall objects is already determined by the choice of material – for example, the different colored insulation materials.

Based on a text by Anja Lückenkemper, Kunstverein Göttingen, DE


Born in Munich, Germany in 1979

2006 Studium der Bildhauerei bei Prof. Claus Bury, AdBK Nürnberg
2008 Ernennung zum Meisterschüler
2010 Studium der Bildhauerei bei Prof. Hermann Pitz, AdBK München

Exhibitions (selection)

Upgrade, Gallery Bezirk Oberbayern, Munich, DE
AAF, Art fair, Brussels, BE

Colorjockey, solo exhibition, Galerie Smudajescheck, Munich, DE
Upgrade, Gallery Bezirk Oberbayern, Munich, DE
Art Austria, art fair, Vienna AT
AAF, Brussells, London, Amsterdam & Hamburg

Minimal 2, Gallerie Kunstkontor, Nurmberg, DE
Roter Kunstsalon, Museum Villa Rot, Burgrieden, DE
Sommersausstellung, Galerie Corona Unger, Bremen, DE
Weisses Kabinett, Galerie Smudajescheck, Munich, DE

“Acchrogage”, Galerie Corona Unger, Bremen, DE
Roter Kunstsalon, Museum Villa Rot, Burgrieden, mit Galerie Smudajescheck, DE
Jubiläumsausstellung, Galerie Knoll.art, Oberhöfen, DE
Art News, Galerie Smudajescheck, Munich, DE
Treffpunkt Kunst 17, Bauverein AG, Darmstadt, DE
Ausstellung zum André Evard-Preis, Kunsthalle Messmer, Riegel am Kaiserstuhl, DE
Architales, Galerie Kunstkontor Nuremberg, DE
PArt Benefizauktion, Van Ham, Cologne, DE

„Blickfang“, Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren, DE
„Producersart“, Spiegelberger-Stiftung, Hamburg, DE

„AUS DER STRÖMUNG VI“ , Kunstblock Balve, München, DE
Discovery Artfair Frankfurt, DE


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