Yoeri De Backer
General Manager
mobile: +32 478 293 239
Email Yoeri


Anje Gevens
Gallery director Knokke-Zeedijk
mobile: +32 475 61 29 12
Email Anje


Laurent Jacquemyns
mobile: +32 491 07 39 27
Email Laurent

Miguel De Backer
General Manager
mobile: +32 475 44 80 61
Email Miguel


Marja Berends
Gallery director Brugge
mobile: +32 496 21 19 99
Email Marja

Monique Lauwerys
Gallery director Knokke-Kustlaan
mobile: +32 491 52 70 71
Email Monique


Michel Caspar
Gallery director Brussels
mobile: +32 492 35 03 30
Email Michel


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